Photo Shoot with Vera Icon

Photo Shoot with Vera Icon
I am so excited to show some of my recent work! Yesterday I had so much fun working with an amazing team of talented people: Vera Icon - fashion photographer, Shea Roggio - my lovely husband, Models from MMA Model Agency, Mackenzie Hughes - Hair Stylist... Check some of my selects and there are more pictures coming soon!!! 1. Peacock Eyes There is something fresh and vibrant about green shadows, I created this look working with MAC pigments, as a base I used creamy Paint Pot (Genuine Treasure). Jacket - ZARA ($129.00) 2. Every Day FAll 2011 Look Bold Lip (it can be any of the reds or oranges from MAC - Vegas Volt, Russian Red, Morange) and a very soft eye, just a little bit of mascara, blush or bronzer. Scarf - H&M ($15.00) 3. Native American Inspired 4. Hollywood Glamour Crazy lashes and lots of Mascara, Red Lipstick, Perfect Eyebrow
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