La Bouche Rouge
Black Fine Leather Refillable Compact Case
The black fine leather compact case is refillable and made for the la Terre, la Lumière and les Ombres refills. The compact is in metal and is infinitely recyclable. Each compact comes in a fine leather case, made from the final meters of the existing leather production from the prestigious Tanneries du Puy in France. They are an object for life. Select your refill separately and change out in one click.
The compact case is an enduring object that exudes elegant minimalism. Beyond fashion trends, its allure will withstand the test of time. It's mirror is cut into the body of the metal, for a pure design, both open and closed. The compact is composed of a sustainable, 100% recyclable metal alloy, whose production releases few carbon emissions. It is infinitely refillable and can house all La Bouche Rouge powders and shadows. The compact is accompanied by its case in upcycled leather. As a true accessory, this case, is inspired by traditional leather goods, presenting a classic design that is instantly beguiling.

Through one-on-one, completely customized services, the VRB team creates an environment of creativity, approachability, relaxation, and affirmation for every client.